installation issues
Cristiano Di Buduo
2010-11-11 13:44:54 UTC

I wanted to incorporate ImageMagick into my project, but i'm using Visual C++ Express, so source code install was not an option since i'm lacking MFC.
So i tried the windows binary static build (Q8) and noticed the libaries/headers weren't located in the install directory. They're not incorporated?
I then tried the dynamic build and saw the "Install development headers and libraries for C and C++" option in the installation program. That's probably it with the static distribution. That's missing from its installation program.

I installed that, adapted my project, and now get a "Cannot find procedure entry point ?***@Image@Magick@@***@MagickCore@@@Z in DLL-file CORE_RL_Magick++_.dll", showing precisely why i prefer a source code build.

What am i to do to (re)start using ImageMagick asap? (i used to use the 6.3.0 in the same project. Since a code migration the ImageMagick references had been commented out, since it wasn't working anymore, but without compilation/run-time errors. Image::Magick::read is what i'm primarily after.)

Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work!
