On Mon, 4 Oct 2010 17:58:07 -0600
magick-users-***@imagemagick.org wrote:
| Hello,
| Is it Possible to use mogrify ato edit images BUT conserve original last
| modified date?
If you mean on the filesystem.
No that is very dependant on the operating system, which is outside
the scope of ImageMagick.
You can however create a shell script to do it.
Eg something like
Get current date of image file
modify image
set the date (say using "touch")
Perl can record things down to seconds (or whatever the quantum level
of time is for that filesystem).
Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer ) <***@griffith.edu.au>
`` It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word. ''
-- Andrew Jackson
Anthony's Castle http://www.cit.griffith.edu.au/~anthony/