Michael Howard
2011-01-21 20:25:06 UTC
My issues relate to convert PDF -> JPG
Q: Given a .pdf file with a mixture of individual pages and
2-page-spreads, how can I use ImageMagick convert to generate .jpg
files of individual pages?
I have an archive (college alumni magazines) of .pdf files that I need
to convert to .jpg page images.
I don't know what tools were used to create these .pdf files. In Adobe
Reader the .pdf properties say PDF Producer:Creo Normalize jTP
The magazines are essentially 8.5x11. I would like to use ImageMagick
convert to generate individual .jpg files of the individual page
The colorspace on the .pdf files is CMYK, which makes me wonder/assume
that these are the actual files which were sent to the print shop for
printing the paper copies of the magazines. I was able to use
-colorspace RGB to correct the colorspace on the output .jpg files.
Some of the .pdf files contain a mixture of 8.5x11 portrait pages and
11x17 landscape 2-page-spreads. I can confirm this by opening the
files in Adobe Reader.
When I run them through "convert" these 2-page-spreads are getting
compressed horizontally into a single 8.5x11 portrait page.
I assume that convert is seeing the 8.5x11 size on the first page and
is making all subsequent pages fit that size.
The command line that I am using is:
convert -quality 70 -density 300 -colorspace RGB TLN20100801.pdf
Advice/recommendations from the IM gurus would be greatly appreciated.
Q: Given a .pdf file with a mixture of individual pages and
2-page-spreads, how can I use ImageMagick convert to generate .jpg
files of individual pages?
I have an archive (college alumni magazines) of .pdf files that I need
to convert to .jpg page images.
I don't know what tools were used to create these .pdf files. In Adobe
Reader the .pdf properties say PDF Producer:Creo Normalize jTP
The magazines are essentially 8.5x11. I would like to use ImageMagick
convert to generate individual .jpg files of the individual page
The colorspace on the .pdf files is CMYK, which makes me wonder/assume
that these are the actual files which were sent to the print shop for
printing the paper copies of the magazines. I was able to use
-colorspace RGB to correct the colorspace on the output .jpg files.
Some of the .pdf files contain a mixture of 8.5x11 portrait pages and
11x17 landscape 2-page-spreads. I can confirm this by opening the
files in Adobe Reader.
When I run them through "convert" these 2-page-spreads are getting
compressed horizontally into a single 8.5x11 portrait page.
I assume that convert is seeing the 8.5x11 size on the first page and
is making all subsequent pages fit that size.
The command line that I am using is:
convert -quality 70 -density 300 -colorspace RGB TLN20100801.pdf
Advice/recommendations from the IM gurus would be greatly appreciated.