Kris Bulman
2011-06-14 18:48:43 UTC
Hi all,
We use a set of kakadu switches that work well for jpeg2000 viewing using
our Djatoka/OpenLayers viewer.
The lossy jpeg2000 conversion line using kdu_compress is as follows:
kdu_compress -i input.tif -o output.jp2 -rate 0.5 Clayers=1 Clevels=7
We're looking for an equivalent set of parameters using imagemagick, but the
command options don't all seem to line up. The available encoding options
are located here:
Any help or input from someone with experience would be appreciated.
Kris Bulman
Digitization, UPEI
We use a set of kakadu switches that work well for jpeg2000 viewing using
our Djatoka/OpenLayers viewer.
The lossy jpeg2000 conversion line using kdu_compress is as follows:
kdu_compress -i input.tif -o output.jp2 -rate 0.5 Clayers=1 Clevels=7
"Corder=RPCL" "ORGgen_plt=yes" "ORGtparts=R" "Cblk={64,64}" Cuse_sop=yes
This was from a recommendation for IIPViewer found here:"Corder=RPCL" "ORGgen_plt=yes" "ORGtparts=R" "Cblk={64,64}" Cuse_sop=yes
We're looking for an equivalent set of parameters using imagemagick, but the
command options don't all seem to line up. The available encoding options
are located here:
Any help or input from someone with experience would be appreciated.
Kris Bulman
Digitization, UPEI