Error in use ImageMagick-6.6.7 on cygwin
Peng Yu
2011-03-02 02:55:46 UTC

I downloaded the latest ImageMagick-i686-pc-cygwin.tar and installed
it. But when I run convert.exe, it says the following message. Could
anybody let me know how to fix the problem?

/home/username/ImageMagick-6.6.7/bin/convert.exe: error while loading
shared libraries: cygfreetype-6.dll: cannot open shared object file:
No such file or directory
Fred Weinhaus
2011-03-02 03:08:12 UTC
Did you install Cygwin first before IM?
Post by Peng Yu
I downloaded the latest ImageMagick-i686-pc-cygwin.tar and installed
it. But when I run convert.exe, it says the following message. Could
anybody let me know how to fix the problem?
/home/username/ImageMagick-6.6.7/bin/convert.exe: error while loading
No such file or directory
Wolfgang Hugemann
2011-03-04 07:48:40 UTC
Post by Peng Yu
I downloaded the latest ImageMagick-i686-pc-cygwin.tar and installed
it. But when I run convert.exe, it says the following message. Could
anybody let me know how to fix the problem?
I have never tried that, although I have been using IM under Windows for
years now. Usually, you would just install the Windows binary version of
IM and that's it. This Windows version can also be used with Cygwin, see
Fred's link.

I really wonder why there is a special Cygwin version of IM at all.
Sounds like an oxymoron to me.

Wolfgang Hugemann
Fred Weinhaus
2011-03-02 03:09:23 UTC
Also see http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/windows/#cygwin
