Using image magick in C++ source code
Nevzat Guler
2010-12-20 18:23:11 UTC
I am trying to use image magick libraries in C++ source codes I already
have.More specifically: I have two images from the same source but they are
rotated, scaled, translated with respect to each other. I want to map the
second image onto the first image by determining the rotation, translation
parameters. I am thinking to use chi2 minimization after parametrizing all
differences between the two images and comparing them pixel by pixel. I
have my minimization routines written in C++, however, I am having trouble
rotating the image by an arbitrary angle. Please tell me how I can use, for
example, the rotation function directly in the code and compile. Currently,
I am not even able to find which code performs image rotation or 2D matrix
rotation. I appreciate your help,
- Nevzat
2010-12-20 19:55:35 UTC
Post by Nevzat Guler
rotating the image by an arbitrary angle
Are you using Magick++? If so, to rotate simply use this statement:


Where 45.0 is the angle of the rotation.
